Why I KNOW The Law of Attraction Works

why i know the law of attraction works

Many of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction and The Secret by Rhonda Bryne.

The Secret in essence teaches that if we want something – we can make it happen. On the condition that we ask with intention, believe it can happen, which then results in us receiving whatever we desire.

For many this sounds too good to be true. “If only it were that simple Holly!” I hear you say…I mean, if it truly were, no one would have to lift a finger would they? Life would be one long walk in the park and nothing bad would ever happen. We would have everything we ever wanted!

A lot of people think this way and dismiss the Law of Attraction as being some “woo woo” nonsense.

Although you and I know better right?

I don’t just believe, I know the Law Of Attraction is real as I’ve applied it in my own life and seen the results first hand. I’ve used it to manifest money, job promotions, a profitable business, properties, holidays and even lovers.

Big and small changes of all kind. So much so to the point where it’s become a way of life for me. And my most successful stories have all come about from changing my way of thinking and feeling. It’s as simple as that…

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No matter what anyone tells you, there’s no amount of action in the world that can make up for what we think and believe about ourselves. You become and experience what you think about the most. Whether it’s good or bad, it becomes your reality because like attracts like.

So why is it then if we have big dreams and ideas which we fantasize about often, they still never come about?

Well before I share something very special with you I’m going to explain the number one reason why people struggle with using the Law Of Attraction. And then dismiss it as either “not working” or disbelieve it altogether.

To overcome your number one block and speed up the manifestation process watch my video below or alternatively keep on reading…


Click here for my The Law of Attraction Miracle Process mentioned in the video which is a fail proof approach to manifesting that myself and my clients have used to eradicate blocks haunting us since childhood. Even the world's top psychologists swear by it...

The Law of Attraction is an energy - like gravity

Energy is all around us. This is a scientific fact; it’s called physics. Energy is made up of both positive and negative particles. For example, a proton is positive, whereas an electron is negative. I am no physicist but what I do know is that everything (including our bodies) is made up of particles within particles – which ultimately equates to energy.

Think about it; the four elements… earth, wind, fire and water. Energy which interrelates and impacts on other energies around it  – regardless of what form, shape and size it takes. 

Based on this scientific fact, the Law of Attraction teaches us that we attract what we think about the most. Although this is misinterpreted as “If I think about a million dollars or romance, I will attract it”

And yes, the truth is, it is meant to be this easy and straightforward.

Although the mindset and mentality of the person who’s thinking these thoughts is the key to whether or not the outcome is successful. Or whether the answers you are coming up with are leading you in the right direction.

Bringing me back to positive versus negative energy. The Law of Attraction never makes a mistake. Ever.

But the general consensus amongst us is that you need to have something in order to be happy so you can do what you want. This is incorrect and here’s why…

For example, you might may say: “If I had a Lamborghini I would be happy because I could travel in style and luxury and go wherever I wanted, whenever. People would also be impressed and admire me having such a beautiful car”.

But the Law of Attraction actually works in reverse…

The Law of Attraction is about feeling and attracting with intent. You need to be genuinely happy with the fantasy of your desire by believing it’s possible that you can and will have whatever you’re wanting by focusing your mind upon it. Writing out your desires brings even more positive momentum towards them.  In short, it’s YOUR passion and purpose that’s the secret ingredient and brings everything else to life.  

Having is the result, which The Secret refers to as  ‘receiving’ but notice it is still the last phase in the process.

  1. Asking

  2. Believing

  3. Receiving

A lot of people fail at the second stage. Asking and wanting is no problem (we spend most of our time doing this) but it’s the beliefs we got going on that contradict what we desire. This blocks the third stage of receiving. Which is why most of the world’s population are stuck between asking and believing – bouncing between these two stages most of their lives.


Sometimes things work well and sometimes they don’t. That a common experience for the masses and this predictable pattern is formed in our childhood. It dictates our level of income in adulthood and the form our relationships take.

You’re ALREADY working with the Law of Attraction every day

Do you sometimes find that you’re thinking about something or someone…. and then suddenly that thing you thought of is suddenly mentioned to you or that certain someone calls you out the blue? We have all had these “coincidences” – and we think “wow, what that’s funny… I was just thinking about that thing or person”

There are no such things as coincidences.

Remember, the Law of Attraction is just like gravity. It exists – whether someone believes in it or not.  The results created are just a reflection of what the most predominant thought it. 

So with positive intent, those “coincidences” in relation to your particular desire will start flowing into your experience. Maybe in small ways at first but they will become more and more obvious. Before you know it the opportunities to make that outcome a reality will be right in front of you.

Remember this is a natural state of being and something you were born with the ability to do. Love and positivity is who you truly are and all your desires are lined up waiting for you to receive them.

Start manifesting now with my free gift which will give you a detailed breakdown of everything you need


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