The Law of Attraction: Use Anger To Manifest Quickly


Have you ever been made to feel like you don’t matter? And has this made you question yourself and wonder if there's something wrong with you?

If yes, then you’re like most normal human beings... and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you! Being treated badly by others is one of the harsh realities of life and sadly, it’s unavoidable.

Yet when we choose to live by spiritually based philosophies such as the Law of Attraction, we’re told to not judge, just forgive, and only think happy, loving thoughts.

It isn’t always that easy though and depending on our history, it’s not as simple as “getting over it” because some core wounds can last a lifetime. Especially when they originate from childhood.

So manifesting a better life using the Law of Attraction is not always so straightforward.

Which is why in this article I’m going to fully explain why negative, painful emotions can actually be your best friend as well as:

  • teach you how to love yourself unconditionally

  • strengthen your sense of self-worth and

  • help you to manifest miracles you don't think are possible

Why using anger to manifest with the Law of Attraction is so powerful

Despite applying numerous personal development and therapy techniques, there was a period in my life where I felt stuck on repeat. And no matter what anyone said such as “the past is in the past” and "you need to think more positively" I simply couldn’t.

It soon became clear that I had no choice but to deal with these underlying negative emotions that were haunting me once and for all…

So what did I do? I decided to cut to the chase and use anger to manifest. And trust me when I say it was the miracle shift I'd been looking for!

Watch the video below to hear my story and discover exactly how I did this (so you can too)

Alternatively, carry on reading...

Learn more about the 14 day Law of Attraction Miracle Process mentioned in the video or go one step further and discover the true power of your inner child

The Law of Attraction 'Emotional Guidance Scale'

Having coming from a background of self-harm, addictions and many other self sabotaging habits that almost ruined my life -  I know first hand that the Law of Attraction and its miraculous results are real.

Watch the video above to hear more on that!

In order to manifest positive results for myself though (that lasted) I had to swim through a sea of anger, frustration, resentment and rage.

So if you’re in a position right now where you're trying to manifest money, love or success in your life and no matter what you do, those manifestations aren't coming into full fruition - chances are you have a lot of emotions lurking beneath the surface that need releasing.

Here's what to do.

Using anger to manifest is quite a controversial way of going about it, but it does work and it's very powerful. Let me give you an example of what I mean...

During my teenage years I was very angry at the world and pissed off for various reasons.

After being expelled from high school and experiencing a pregnancy scare it dawned on me that I needed to get my life in order. And after having visited when I was younger, living in America was the only thing that I could think of that had ever excited me, making me think "Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if I could achieve that?"

So I channeled all of that negative emotion and resentment towards everything and everyone who'd ever hurt me into going back to America. And step by step things began to unfold perfectly... defying all odds.

Because this is precisely how the Universe steps in (no matter where you're at emotionally), when you actively and positively use negative emotion to work for you on your behalf.

I realized very quickly when doing this  that it was real and was actually working for me. So I completely turned my life around, graduated in Michigan and then moved to California - shocking everyone around me.

When you pro-actively practice the Law of Attraction to manifest miracles by applying whatever negative emotion it is that you're feeling - it's empowering.

If you want to know even more about manifesting check out my free gift 7 Days To Fun & Freedom 

By thinking to yourself "I'm going to use this 'heartache' let's say, as my ammunition to show everyone what I'm really made of", it enables you to move up what's known as the 'emotional guidance scale'.  It allows you to become unstuck and manifest your dreams properly by moving through the negative emotion and letting it go for good.

Watch my video above for more details.

Allow your dreams (and the Universe) to carry you

Think of every success story you've ever heard of.

There's so many examples of rich and famous people who've had horrific upbringings. If you look at their background and stories - they've taken all that frustration and anger by channelling it into their dreams and allowing it to carry them.

It literally takes them to new heights that at one point they probably never ever believed was possible for them. And that is the power of working with the Law of Attraction and using anger to manifest whatever you want.

Because it's not about where you've been, it's about where you're going. It's all about now and what you're doing with that emotion in the present moment. It's important to honour where you are. And that means not denying your hurt and pain by trying to force yourself to feel something that you simply can't feel right now.

And when you use your imagination and your dreams to carry you and you connect with them, even from a place of anger and revenge perhaps,  it doesn't matter. It's all the same ultimately.

Because you'll feel yourself re-connect by moving up the emotional guidance scale and your physical manifestations will reflect this quantum leap. They won't come and go like they may have been doing because you would have transcended those lower vibes and got them out of your system.

This has been the only remedy that has helped me to accept myself and my past fully, by loving and valuing myself in new ways. Regardless of how my feelings may fluctuate.

So don’t be ashamed of where you are right now. Use all the negativity you've been experiencing as a springboard and platform to create for yourself all the dreams your heart is holding onto.

If I can do it then so can you.

Love & Light,

Holly xx

PS: If you want to target the real blocks to your success then watch my video below to discover how your "inner child" may have been hindering your progress for years.


The Law of Attraction: 3 Super Powerful Affirmations To Manifest Money


Using The Law of Attraction: How To Manifest Money FAST