How To Create A Powerful Vision Board


Vision boards are extremely powerful as well as so much fun! I've written a lot about having a "personal life vision" and how this is integral to knowing which direction you want to go in your life. Especially if you're ambitious and have all sorts of goals you want to accomplish, like me!

Constructing a personal life vision can really help you get things clear in your mind as to where to start...

So why not go one step further by adding real life images that you can visualize and spend a few minutes fantasizing about? I have done this with my own personal desires - and the results have been amazing!

People I know and clients I've coached have used vision boards, forgotten about them, then a few months later found them in a drawer only to discover their goals/wishes on that board have become a reality.

Creating vision boards is one truly powerful way to bring your dreams to life.

For a very special way to fast track this process in just 14 days click here  

Your "ultimate vision" board

Ok - so what's a vision board and how do you make one?

A vision board is a collection of pictures and words that you put together in a collage format. It is completely personal to you and can be made up of whatever you think is suitable to you and your "ultimate vision".

Some people have several vision boards; perhaps one for money and success, one for love, another for health and fitness etc. However you decide to do yours is up to you. Although one thing I would definitely recommend is putting a picture of yourself in the centre and all the other items/words around you.

After all, this is the Law of Attraction weโ€™re using here so you want to visualize yourself at the centre and with all that you wish for being drawn to you.

I also always incorporate a powerful and positive image as well such as a really bright ray of sunshine, a rainbow or the Universe - just to give my boards that extra boost of 'energy'. Once again though, this is your vision board and unique to you so follow your instinct and go with whatever makes sense and holds resonance.

All that is required is a board, (I use a standard framed cork board), and a pack of drawing pins or glue, scissors and a selection of magazines that you know will contain images and words relevant to your vision board topic. You can take as long as you want in putting it together - mine took me an entire day because I got so into it!

 It works in the same way a clever and colourful advertisement or poster would...

The images leave an imprint on your mind. Although what makes it even more effective is the fact that it's yours - totally created by you. And made up of all your inner dreams and desires.

Whenever you look at it, you'll feel empowerment and liberation course through you. That is the whole idea.

So spend some time thinking how brilliant it will be and how you will feel when all these images become your reality... your life. Get excited and allow your imagination to go crazy. Memorize every detail of your vision board and the words on it - keep this image in your mind and have it inspire you when you're in need of a motivation boost.  

Not only is a vision board lots of fun to make, it's extra powerful because it turns your goals into something tangible that you can see and touch every day, almost like putting a face to a name. It turns the whole concept of your dream life into an entity that is a lot more possible and real. Youโ€™ll be astounded at the lasting impact this leaves on your mind. Try it and see for yourself. The results and shifts you experience will leave you surprised and delighted!  

Happy visualizing ;-)

Until next time... 

Lots of Love & Light,

Holly xx

PS: If youโ€™re serious about unlocking  your own unique magic you'll adore my 7 Days To Fun & Freedom 


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